Archive for category: Technology

GP Pico Breakout Board

I am very excited to announce my first open source hardware project. It might be seen as something minor by some, and it’s a project built on top of other great projects (if that’s not engineering, I don’t know what is 😉). But for me, this has been my first contact with PCB design tools, I learned a lot during the process and I am very proud of the result.

It is essentially a breakout board for the Rasberry Pi Pico that can be used as a game controller with the GP2040-CE firmware, among other uses.

Have a look at the project on its GitLab page ( and let me know what you think.

How to install OpenWrt on the Linksys MR8300 Wireless Router

The Linksys MR8300 is not a bad wireless router, but one of its best features, as with the WRT1900ACS, is that it is supported by different open source firmwares including OpenWrt. So, if you’re like me and want to use this router with the open source router firmware to unlock all of its power instead of the limited stock firmware, read this guide to learn how to install it. It’s not a hard process, but you need to be careful with some of the steps, but don’t worry, I’ll guide you through the whole process.

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WWDC 2020, Day 4

One more day the number of sessions is overwhelming. There are so many that it’s hard to choose one. The sessions I have chosen to pay attention to on this third day of conference fall under the categories of The game developer’s toolkit, Augment Reality, What’s new in Machine Learning and Computer Vision or Swift Playgrounds “Swan’s Quest”.

Remember that all session videos are at

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WWDC 2020, Day 3

One more day the number of sessions is overwhelming. There are so many that it’s hard to choose one. The sessions I have chosen to pay attention to on this third day of conference fall under the categories of Apple Silicon, The game developer’s toolkit, What’s new in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Design for intelligence, App Clips, Widgets code-along or Swift Playgrounds “Swan’s Quest”.

Remember that all session videos are at

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